If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is essential that you seek the counsel of an attorney with experience and success in trying cases involving asbestos-related diseases. As an experienced mesothelioma / asbestos attorney serving clients from California (including Los Angeles, San Francisco, Ventura, Alameda, San Diego), Florida, Texas, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, and other states, Anthony Vieira has established himself as an aggressive, skilled defender of the rights and interests of his clients. Working with a strong legal team, Mr. Vieira devotes himself to the thorough preparation of each case he handles, carefully constructing an argument that demonstrates a direct link between the disease and a specific exposure to asbestos. It is not always easy to identify the liable party in mesothelioma cases, particularly when the exposure to asbestos may have occurred several decades prior to the manifestation of the disease. However, Mr. Vieira's extensive experience in serious personal injury cases enables him not only to identify those at fault but also to build the strongest case possible demonstrating their liability.
At The Law Offices of Anthony E. Vieira, we understand how devastating it can be to discover that you or someone you love has been diagnosed with mesothelioma. We care about people and their welfare. We empathize with their suffering and feel strongly about helping them achieve the justice they deserve. It is with sincere compassion and respect that we will represent our clients with integrity, confidence, and excellence.
Click here for some basic information about mesothelioma. If you have any further questions, or if you would like to have your case evaluated by an experienced mesothelioma / asbestos attorney in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or Ventura County, please contact the law offices of Anthony E. Vieira today. You may also learn more about mesothelioma and mesothelioma litigation by reading our legal blogs.